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About Us

Balanced Nutrition, Inc. is a private non-profit organization dedicated to helping child care providers make the most out of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The food program is our only business. Our staff has over twenty plus years of experience working with CACFP, making us well-qualified to serve the providers and the children in their care.


As a CACFP sponsor, we:


  • help child care homes and child care centers get set up to meet program requirements so they can begin receiving reimbursement;

  • file monthly claims for providers;

  • mail checks/make EFT deposits on a dependable monthly schedule with a statement of how the reimbursement was calculated;

  • make sure that providers remain in compliance with program requirements;help providers receive the best possible reimbursement rate by keeping abreast of program changes and maintaining an up-to-date database of program participants;

  • provide personalized, one-on-one training at the providers' convenience; offer periodic workshops of interest to providers that meet licensing training requirements;

  • provide a useful handbook including procedures, nutrition information, meal-planning tips, and other helpful information. 

  • maintain a courteous, professional staff  to answer your questions



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